Send a Unique Holiday Card
Sending holiday cards is a simple, no-pressure way to connect with clients and remind them of your presence in the market. For decades, our agents and clients have looked forward to our thoughtfully designed, whimsical holiday cards—a Locations’ tradition since 1978.
At Locations, we make it easy for clients to send top-quality, professionally designed glossy mailers, branded just for our agents. Our Marketing Department also works with agents to handle the ordering, addressing and mailing details. Learn more about Locations’ farming program and get pro-tips from Locations agent Angela Brenna.

Host a Festive Client Gathering
Locations sales coaches recommend getting face-time with your clients at least once a quarter to stay top of mind and grow your referral business. Hosting a client appreciation event is one of the easiest ways to catch up with multiple clients at once and thank them for their business. The holiday season is an opportune time to host a client party. Most people will already be in a festive mood, and you’ll have many themes to choose from—everything from an ugly sweater potluck to a catered black-tie affair.
As calendars tend to fill up quickly this time of year, be sure to send invitations at least three weeks in advance, and avoid Friday or Saturday evenings. Be sure to have plenty of food and drink on hand, and consider hiring a greeter to allow you more time to mingle and a videographer to capture footage for future marketing efforts. For more how-tos and inspiration, read our tips for throwing an effective (and fun!) client appreciation event.

Try a Holiday-Themed “Pop-By”
Visiting a client at their home with a small gift is a thoughtful way to let your clients know you’re thinking of them during the holiday season. The simple act of “popping by” a client’s home with a small token of your appreciation can go a long way toward earning you repeat business and referrals.
The beauty of the pop-by gift is that you don’t need to break the bank to achieve big results. Lean into your talents—homemade mochi, fresh flowers from your garden or a handmade Christmas ornament are all thoughtful (and inexpensive) ways to show you care. Check out some of our favorite pop-by ideas and hear how Locations Partner Anina Quaranto incorporates holiday-themed pop-bys into her marketing strategy.
Could your marketing strategy use a tune-up before the New Year? We can help—contact us today, and let’s make next year your best yet!